Clean Jurassic Coast CIC is a Community Interest Company (Companies House registration number 13126608).
GDPR is handled as laid out in our Privacy Policy.
We are a group of volunteers whose aim is to keep our beaches, pathways and other aspects of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site free from litter, as well as educate the general public where necessary. We are purely a Not-For-Profit Organisation.
Any funding that is kindly passed our way will be used to help with the costs of equipment and the general running costs involved with such an organisation (insurance, accounting, fuel etc).
Our online shop is run for two reasons. Firstly, the products we sell help to provide a small amount of funds to assist our costs. Secondly, we would like to offer people an opportunity to purchase sustainable and reusable every day items. With our logo present on some of these items, we hope to create a brand that is associated with a litter free coastline – a clean Jurassic Coast!
Our ultimate aim is to lease somewhere that can be used as a base to clean and maintain our equipment, provide safe storage for that equipment and merchandise, but also somewhere that can be used as an education centre where we can invite various groups of all ages to talk about the environment and how we can look after it.
If Clean Jurassic Coast CIC were to cease trading, any funds, equipment and assets remaining will be passed on to the 2 Minute Foundation as per our Asset Lock registered with Companies House.